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Authentication is based on the OAuth 2.0 workflow and requires you to register you application with the rescuetrack servicedesk. Once your registration has been approved, you will be provided with an AppID . This Id is solely to identify you application to our API. To get access to the actual client's data you need a ClientId and a ClientSecret.

ItemDescriptionProvided by
AppIdunique to every application you plan to distributerescuetrack
ClientIdunique to every customer installationcustomer
ClientSecretunique to every customer installationcustomer
API Endpointsused for authentication and API accessrescuetrack

Each combination of AppId and ClientId has to be registered separetly. Please make sure to do that at least two weeks before your planned go live date.


You should request a separate AppId for testing. Along with this AppId you will get a ClientId and ClientSecret for our Sandbox.


Each AppId is associated with (multiple) roles. These roles are used to grant access to sepcific API it's functions. Please make sure to include a list of all functions to be included in your AppId. Please keep in mind that these roles are also used to calculate the fee your customer is billed later. So make sure to only include necessary functions.


To use restricted functions of the API you need a JSON Web Token. To retrieve said token you need to pass your credentials to our Authentation/Authorization server.

The details of the OAuth workflow are not covered in this documentation. Please make sure to read on this topic thoroughly.


Tokens are only valid for a limited time. Please make sure to re-authenticate before the token expires!


This request is used to request a bearer token. The response contains the issued token (access_token) along with it's lifespan (expires_in) in seconds.

POST /api/auth/v1/getToken
"appId": "d1700eb9-60a6-4f86-b773-f0532c34844b",
"cliientId": "36ccf81b-4cd0-46d0-8c86-c01e76796c0d",
"clientSecret": "IAQhbV08...EdVuI5TGv",